Free and available on Appstore and Googleplay

Answer simple questions based on your abilities and what you observe to locate and quantify the intensity and impact of the phenomena or simply send photos and your impressions, with your own comments.

Share your accounts of dangerous or potentially dangerous natural or man-made phenomena in real time with other users, share them on social networks, or share your Tweets and posts by pasting them into the app.

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More accurate, more reliable, more usable than simple photos or videos posted on social networks, and shared immediately on a map. Send an alert by attaching the links of your posts, Tweets, etc., to geolocate them.

Find useful links to official reference sites on phenomena, in different countries

Access advice on how to deal with dangerous or extreme situations. Download the PDF file with your emergency numbers and information to take with you when travelling.

The Signalert app works worldwide. It is available in French, English and Spanish.

The app is free, it complies with personal data protection regulation, and your alerts remain anonymous. You will not receive any advertising, and no cookies will track you.

The premium app

For more precise information on your places of interest, subscribe to the premium version within the free app using your iTunes or Googleplay account (2€/year).

Monitor the areas and receive notifications in case of an alert (for any type of phenomenon) near your places of interest.

Monitor the areas and receive notifications in the event of extreme temperatures or rainfall near your places of interest (you set the thresholds).

Receive official national services’ weather watch and alerts (France)

Use the “I’m safe” emergency button to send your position to your emergency contacts in two clicks.


With the SIGNALERT app you can choose your theme, your most important cause, or contribute to several themes at once. Become an actor in science and participatory mapping, and increase the visibility and awareness of damage to the environment and to the integrity of property and people on a daily basis. As Signalert operates worldwide, your contributions will be useful whether you are on your way to work, dispatched in an unsafe area, or shocked by pollution discharged before your very eyes in your idyllic holiday place. You decide whether your alerts and photos are shared anonymously or not.

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